A popular work by Shiwasu no Okina-sensei! Ayano-sensei spends his days in love with a female student who awakens to homosexuality. One day, she finds a data clip among the waste produced by the Black Magic Club. There is a strange photo of "a woman with a male genitalia"...? In order to make a deeper love with his beloved girlfriend, Ayano-sensei also devotes himself to the forbidden ritual of "withstanding 100 vaginal cum shots" in order to obtain a male genitalia...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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A popular work by Shiwasu no Okina-sensei! Ayano-sensei spends his days in love with a female student who awakens to homosexuality. One day, she finds a data clip among the waste produced by the Black Magic Club. There is a strange photo of "a woman with a male genitalia"...? In order to make a deeper love with his beloved girlfriend, Ayano-sensei also devotes himself to the forbidden ritual of "withstanding 100 vaginal cum shots" in order to obtain a male genitalia...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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