The third installment of the erotic action series "Kousennin Haruka" featuring beautiful female ninjas. "Haruka Takamori" and "Narika Shihodo" face the mysterious ninja group "Noroi Party" that appears in the night town and attacks people. It was Subaru, a close friend, who stood in the way of Haruka, who had defeated the Genin of the Noroi party and advanced into the enemy castle. Subaru's power, which has fallen into torture that can't be divided between day and night, and has resonated with men, is bottomless. Haruka was able to get out of the way with Narika's sudden attack, but she realized her own lack of power, and sought more sexual power to excite the ceremony of Ryurin Gong with Takamaru. Is it possible to stop the rampage of the fallen Subaru and the ambition of the Noroi Party...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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The third installment of the erotic action series "Kousennin Haruka" featuring beautiful female ninjas. "Haruka Takamori" and "Narika Shihodo" face the mysterious ninja group "Noroi Party" that appears in the night town and attacks people. It was Subaru, a close friend, who stood in the way of Haruka, who had defeated the Genin of the Noroi party and advanced into the enemy castle. Subaru's power, which has fallen into torture that can't be divided between day and night, and has resonated with men, is bottomless. Haruka was able to get out of the way with Narika's sudden attack, but she realized her own lack of power, and sought more sexual power to excite the ceremony of Ryurin Gong with Takamaru. Is it possible to stop the rampage of the fallen Subaru and the ambition of the Noroi Party...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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