Hikari is captured by Misty May. Hikari, whose Amore is stolen by Feitas, transforms into Black Aries. Jibril is helpless against the relentless attack of Black Aries... And with the stolen Amore, Feitas completes the strongest Makai Tenshi. Jibril Zero confronts the demon angels, but he is completely useless... Will Jibril Zero be able to overcome this situation? ? Click here for more information on ---
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Hikari is captured by Misty May. Hikari, whose Amore is stolen by Feitas, transforms into Black Aries. Jibril is helpless against the relentless attack of Black Aries... And with the stolen Amore, Feitas completes the strongest Makai Tenshi. Jibril Zero confronts the demon angels, but he is completely useless... Will Jibril Zero be able to overcome this situation? ? Click here for more information on ---
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