Shinobu Kasagi, the legendary baby-faced super-masochistic actress known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Indies" who has appeared in hundreds of works, mainly indies, has made a miraculous comeback! An omnibus that collects the resurrection works. Please enjoy the pink nipples that are still alive and the superlative beautiful man, the serious entanglement that exploded frustration, and the legendary treasure sword "Yarare face" that fascinates with Deep Throating! Click here for more information on Shinobu Kasagi
笠木忍 | Shinobu Kasagi
Shinobu Kasagi, the legendary baby-faced super-masochistic actress known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Indies" who has appeared in hundreds of works, mainly indies, has made a miraculous comeback! An omnibus that collects the resurrection works. Please enjoy the pink nipples that are still alive and the superlative beautiful man, the serious entanglement that exploded frustration, and the legendary treasure sword "Yarare face" that fascinates with Deep Throating! Click here for more information on Shinobu Kasagi
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