The first installment of the "Magical Girl Ai San" series based on the popular adventure game is here!
Under the magical warrior "Ai" who came from another world, a new demon 'Yuragi' appears and attacks Ai violently! Akitoshi and Rin appear there. On the other hand, Murasaki is busy preparing for the party of the "Urban Legend Study Group", but it's a different 'fluctuation'... How will this affect the relationship between Ai and Akitoshi? And what is Rin's determination...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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The first installment of the "Magical Girl Ai San" series based on the popular adventure game is here! Under the magical warrior "Ai" who came from another world, a new demon 'Yuragi' appears and attacks Ai violently! Akitoshi and Rin appear there. On the other hand, Murasaki is busy preparing for the party of the "Urban Legend Study Group", but it's a different 'fluctuation'... How will this affect the relationship between Ai and Akitoshi? And what is Rin's determination...? ! Click here for more information on ---
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